Watson's new found love from hard-marking Australian public


Posted by FunKingdom | Posted on 3:03 AM

All rounder Shane Watson, who has always craved for the appreciation of the hard-marking Australian public, has found love in the form of appreciation from people and securing his spot in the team.
Watson believes that during his breakthrough summer he has not only earned the right to open the batting in Tests on a permanent basis, but also has worked his way into the affections of a previously sceptical Australian public.
The Allan Border medallist senses that the same people who doubted his injured body would ever stand up to the demands of international cricket, who sniggered when his naked emotions spilled over with every setback, have finally warmed to him in recent months.
"That was the thing that compounded what was going on in my mind; what people thought of me, how I was, probably, in the end, under-achieving," The Age quoted Watson, as saying.
"One nice thing that has come out of this summer is to feel that really nice support and appreciation, because that is why I play.
"You want to try and entertain and get people enjoying what you do. I've really sensed it this summer, it's getting warmer and for me, as a person and a cricketer, that is the thing I really wanted, because it's what you work so hard for. At times it has been very overwhelming, the support I have been given," Watson said.
So confident is Watson that he can handle the workload, he intends to join Rajasthan for a handful of games in the Indian Premier League after Australia's tour of New Zealand and before the ICC World Twenty20 in the Caribbean.

Source: Yahoo! News

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